My piece from 2019 for harpsichord, playback, and live electronics, written for Gośka Isphording, received another performance on November 24th in Kraków, Poland.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to Gośka Isphording and the festival’s director, Marek Chołoniewski, for including my piece in the program. Special thanks to Hugo Morales Murguía for his skillful performance and his invaluable assistance in navigating the technical challenges. The concert also featured works by Hugo and Aled Smith. We appreciate the audience’s patience as we worked through some unforeseen technical issues between pieces due to the complexity of the electronic setups.
Here is the link to the livestream (with an unfortunate low buzz). You can also view and listen to the piece’s documentation on my Vimeo.
More information about the festival can be found on their website.